How it works


Step 1

Submit the short online form telling us about you, the property and the contractors you need to speak to


Step 2

Our smart AI will shortlist the experienced, pre-qualified contractors based on the specific project information


Step 3

The contact information of all pre-qualified contractors shortlisted will be emailed for you to contact directly

Meet with Experts

Cost Calculator

The data and rates used to provide the cost estimate are deemed exceptionally accurate as they are based on historical costs of actual projects.

A good quality fit out may often cost more than anticipated which is why Contractors.Direct clients now have the opportunity to spread their project cost over two years, reducing the pressure on capital expenditure.

Total Cost Estimate


Monthly Repayments



Include Furniture

500 Sqft
100,000 Sqft

Find the right Contractor

We help you get the best qualified interior designers and contractors for your project

Contractors.Direct are the regions first online experts who connect qualified contractors with those that need them. We help simplify the process of finding approved contractors in the UAE with a few easy steps.

Your Perfect Contractors: Unveiled in 60 Seconds!

Contractors Play Video

Industries We Serve

Searching for contractors for your office, retail, restaurant, or residential project has never been easier. No matter the size, big or small, we provide access to qualified and verified contractors that have all completed thorough due diligence checks including trade license and insurance validation, client references, site inspection and third-party company background checks to ensure they are financially sound.

Our Work

NYMCard: Complete transformation of a 7,500sqft commercial office in Dubai

Strada: Delivered a world-class commercial office

Ourspace International: Interior Design, Fit Out, Furniture & Project Management

What Our Customers say


“The team demonstrated excellent knowledge and in-depth comprehension while considering our operational requirements. They performed with professionalism and diligence throughout. The Contractors.Direct team were well suited to carry out our working requirements and project completion was due to their unwavering efforts on our behalf.”



“The professionalism and proficiency of this team was exceptional, and they enabled the successful delivery of this project within our specific challenging time frame. I would not hesitate to give this resounding review to any firm who is seeking a capable and hands-on team to meet a tight deadline and manage a strict budget.”



“I have been extremely pleased with the performance of David and his team. The professionalism, technical ability, personal skills, supreme confidence and above all sheer dedication held the team together. We at Lean have no doubt that without Contractors.Direct project support, we would never have been able to complete this new facility in a world class manner on time.”

Operations Head


“The level of professionalism and commitment by the Contractors.Direct team was second to none. We were really pleased with their seamless handling of the project, attentiveness to the key stakeholders, and management of the entire working team. I would recommend this project management consultancy to anyone who pursues this service for their own project.”

Senior Management


“From the get-go, the team were hands on and committed to ensuring that the project was a success, taking into consideration all of the parameters that were presented. They took away a lot of the pain that we’d experienced previously & stayed focused no matter what issues cropped up along the way. I would highly recommend working with Contractors.Direct.’’

Chief Executive Officer

New Project

“Undertaking a major design and build project of this complexity needs careful planning and diligent communication with the many stakeholders involved. During the fit out of our ‘one of a kind’ co-working space we worked intensely with to reach a superb outcome that met our design, budget and timeline demands.”

Chief Executive Officer


“We engaged with Contractors.Direct to help deliver our new commercial headquarters in Internet City, Dubai. We were working against very tight timelines and needed a solution that met our stringent design and budget requirements. The space was ready to occupy on time which certainly exceeded our expectations.”

Chief People Officer


“Undertaking a major design and build project of this complexity needs careful planning and diligent communication with the many stakeholders involved. During the fit out of our ‘one of a kind’ co-working space we worked intensely with to reach a superb outcome that met our design, budget and timeline demands.”

Chief Executive Officer

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