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All contractors that successfully make it through Due Diligence and on to the portal must adhere to The Contractors.Direct standard. The agree to having feedback from all clients published online for all to see – the good and no-so good.
In saying that, before we publish negative feedback we need to understand better the root cause and give registered contractors the opportunity to efficiently rectify the issue.
It doesn’t happen very often, but if you have been let down by a contractors listed on the Contractors.Direct portal, here’s how we can help:
- Contractors.Direct encourage and recommend you to make all reasonable efforts to discuss your issues directly with the contractor to resolve the issue.
- Whilst Contractors.Direct will undertake a level of investigation, our aim is to remain impartial throughout, supporting where we can both parties to a reasonable resolution.
- Contractors.Direct will contact the company to discuss your concerns and investigate further. If you do not wish for Contractors.Direct to contact the contractor, we may be able to investigate the complaint but cannot publish your comments. Your complaint will be kept on record which will allow us to build up a picture of how the company conducts their business.
- Contractors.Direct can only assist you with issues relating to a project that has been carried out by a contractor sourced on the Contractors.Direct ONLY.
- The complaint must be within a 12month period (Defects Liability Period) from the day the work was completed which should be in line with the warranty issued by all contractors on the portal/
- In certain instances, Contractors.Direct may request to inspect the completed word. In the absence of evidence, we will be unable to publish the complaint or take further action.
- Contractors.Direct will not publish anonymous comments or those from third parties.
- If court action is being taken by the trader, the complaint will be kept on hold pending the courts verdict.
- If a satisfactory resolution is obtained, you are welcomed to decide whether you wish to continue with your original comments, to withdraw them or to submit new feedback.
- We aim to respond to all Complaints within 48 hours.
- We aim to publish all complaints within 15 working days.
- All feedback is published in order of date of reference check being completed.
- Any published complaints will not show the customers details, for example name, company name and address.
- Contractors.Direct reserves the right to edit comments for length, spelling or clarity. We will not publish names or abusive language.
In any event, please do still notify us of your experience. Your comments are important and will be recorded internally. This will help us build up a picture of this company and the way in which they conduct their business.
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The data and rates used to provide the cost estimate are deemed exceptionally accurate given that they're based on historical costs of actual projects.
A good quality fit out may often cost more than anticipated which is why Contractors.Direct clients now have the opportunity to spread their project cost over two years, reducing the pressure on capital expenditure.
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