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The data and rates used to provide the cost estimate are deemed exceptionally accurate as they are based on historical costs of actual projects.

A good quality fit out may often cost more than anticipated which is why Contractors.Direct clients now have the opportunity to spread their project cost over two years, reducing the pressure on capital expenditure.

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500 Sqft
100,000 Sqft

What We Do

help you get the best qualified interior design contractors for your project

Interior Design
Interior design is about making indoor spaces functional, safe, and beautiful by determining space requirements and selecting essential and decorative items, such as colours, lighting, materials and of course the furniture. Whether your project is an office, home, clinic, health spa, or retail outlet, Contractors.Direct can connect you with the best and most relevant designers in addition to the region’s leading fit out contractors.



Office Interior Design
Office interior design is the practise of designing workplaces that are conducive to maximising not only productivity but also the health, safety, well-being, and performance of employees. It is about creating spaces that are functional and that provide a setting for success; places in which people are happy to work. Once the design of your new office is ready, all you need to do is identify the right fit-out contractor to execute the design.
Home Interior Design
When designing a home, whether from the ground up, an extension, renovation or simply upgrading the current space, a great interior designer will quickly understand the vision of the client whilst ensuring the practical and functional aspects are incorporated. Home design is personal, and the interior designer must be able to reflect the clients personality. Colors, lighting, and accessories can create incredible impact in home interior design. Designing your dream home is only one part of the equation if you want a beautiful space for your family – it’s just as important to partner with a qualified, reputable contractor.
Clinics and Healthcare
A skilful healthcare interior designer will create a space that puts the patient at ease and delivers a sense of calm to what can be a stressful experience. From the entrance to the waiting areas, the consultation, and patient rooms, each can have a positive or negative impact. Appointing the right interior designer will ensure the patient experience is as positive as possible. Given the nature of such projects, it’s important that the fit-out contractor delivering the project is well versed and experienced.
Health Spa Design
A health spa needs to provide an ambience of calm, relaxation, and tranquillity. Areas should flow seamlessly from one to the other, from private areas to public areas. The selection of materials in a health spa design is critical to ensure the space looks new and inviting for many years to come. Excellent health spa designers can be hard to find, so be sure to check the interior designers portfolio – as well as that of the contractor doing the fit-out works.
Retail Outlet Design
A great retail outlet design will create an immersive experience for the customer whilst maximising traffic flow. Carefully placed displays, merchandise and signage will engage and entice the customer without being obtrusive. A fabulous interior design of a retail space, coupled with a quality fit-out will deliver more sales.
Restaurant Design
A good restaurant design needs to balance ambiance with maximising seating. Get this wrong and the space can look overcrowded. It’s also important to deliver a design that matches the food, creating a connected feeling for the customer.

What Our Customers say


We are very happy with the end result, and with what was accomplished in a very short span of time.



Contractors Direct provided total unconditional support throughout the entire experience.


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The fact that Contractors Direct were always available by phone, email, or in person, made it a great experience from start to finish.

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We are very happy with the end result, and with what was accomplished in a very short span of time.



Contractors Direct provided total unconditional support throughout the entire experience.


Biz Group

The fact that Contractors Direct were always available by phone, email, or in person, made it a great experience from start to finish.

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